First step

Find the project you want to realize. Add it to your cart. Go to checkout. Provide the data necessary to complete the order.

Second step

Pay via paypal. After the payment is accepted, refresh the page. Then you will be able to download the file. Remember - one file can be downloaded three times, you have 3 days for it.

Third step

Unpack the *.zip file, and you will get: *.pdf files containing 3d views with selected angle values and other important information such as screws needed for assembly. All *.dwg files are saved in the 2010 version. The *.dwg files are in 2d and 3d versions. *.jpg files are with weld proposal. If you do not have Autocad, all * .dwg files can be opened eg www.gstarcad.net (Autocad equivalent, 2 weeks trial).

Fourth step

A suggested form of implementation is the use of CNC machines.

Fifth step

When you have properly cut and bent sheet metal - tack weld it, fit it on, weld, sand and paint it (measures of dedicated products, are taken from cars with factory measurements (accident-free car). Remember - all projects are prepared for a bending radius of 0.2mm - it is very important to preserve the dimensions!

sixth step

Assemble and enjoy!